New Kid Designs

This is a blog I started to show what I have been up to with my Graphic Design business. I design under the name "New Kid Designs". This is just a name, that first came to mind, that sounded perfect at the time I started. I grow more with each design and strive to create that piece that visually represents what your mind is looking for. "Realize your Vision". I am always open to the opportunity to work on a new project that inspires me. I am available to help you with all of your Graphic Design needs. Feel free to contact me here.....

PPES Silent Auction Night 2013

Pinnacle Elementary is having their big fund raiser for the year. They wanted to step up the visual quality of their postcard they send out. They previous were only sending out card solely with text. They wanted to grab the attention of the parents visually and hopefully that will translate to more attendance at this amazing event.